Christianity and My thoughts


Today, yet another Sunday morning came, with me in it, struggling terribly. I have been to church just once this year; I am supposed to feel bad, I know, but somehow, I feel nothing except when people throw the expected Sunday questions which often make me search within me, questioning myself 'do I know what I am doing?'

I do not think I have ever been /churchy/. As I grew, I started losing interest in the common sunday fellowship.

No, I am neither an atheist nor agnostic. I believe in God, I believe there is supreme being, and I chose to believe that as a Christian. I am only fed up with everything that happens, everything that takes place in the name of Christianity, and trust me, I feel it's all become twisted and packed up, with the truth choking away gradually.

Every Sunday, I hear different musics; worships, praises and different preachings from churches with absolutely different doctrines.

Today, in my country, you could find a thousand churches with entirely different and clashing doctrines and ideologies. It definitely isn't surprising to find these dominations arguing over the best way to stay and live as a Christian. Everything thing is so overwhelming and they are all becoming annoying.

Now, Christianity has gone way beyond trying to convert unbelievers as the case may be to converting Christians into another Christian body.

Many even believe that churches have become full blown employment opportunities for some individuals; People who have never and may never overcome temptations. I might not be an exemption. Churches have become more of extortion than /fellowshipping/ in Christ...

What I get tired of is people tagging people as unbelievers because they attend a certain church, do or wear certain things their doctrines forbid.

Serving God with others is actually amazing but then, does not going to OR Lacking the zeal to go to church make one a sinner? And I know definitely going to church guarantees absolutely nothing...

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