How to motivate myself

So how can you stay motivated when your to-do list runs on and on, you just got rejected from the job you applied for, your partner told you they're leaving you for someone else, the furnace and dishwasher decided to stop working at the same time and you can't find time in the day to work on your own personal projects? You have heard the stories and tales to success, they tell you to put a photo of you at your most fit on the fridge or write yourself a check for $1 million and tape it to your dashboard or plaster your cube walls with affirmations, like “I am powerful.” Motivation is not easy.

Every inspirational author, life coach and speaker has his own tips (and seminars among things to sell you), but over my years of observing super-successful, motivated people, I’ve come up with a list of things that are fundamental to sustaining motivation, whether you’re trying to finish a 10,000 word paper or climb mount Everest.

The Steps:

  1. Set a Goal
    First you have to give yourself a goal. Those who set goals, accomplish them. Those who never set a goal end up with unexpected outcomes. Every day you have a choice - How will you spend your time. You can either work towards your goals, or let life dictate where you go.

  2. Break down your goal
    It is paramount that you understand what steps are involved with accomplishing your goal. You don't need to have every step figured out, but you need at least one. This way, every day, you can take at least one step towards your goal.

  3. Measure your success
    Often times we let go of our goals. This happens when we lose motivation. Stop relying on motivation and instead get dedicated. Every day you should try to perform at least one step towards your goal. If the step seems too big to take, break it down even more. Then when you've completed your step, you can motivate yourself by taking joy in knowing that you are working in the right direction.

  4. Accept Failure
    In life you are going to fail. Over and over again. Through failure you will grow. On the path to success you will encounter failure many times. You need to embrace failure and look forward to it. You need to feel blessed that you experienced failure because failure is what prepares you for success.

  5. Stay on the wagon
    Its easy to say, "I'm going to run every day" Then you miss a day here, then another. Next thing you know, you haven't when for a run in months. It is important to focus on small steps that you can make every day towards your goal. Do not set goals where you are destined to fail. Obviously things come up, if your goal requires you to do something every single day, there most likely will come a day when you can't get to it. Instead of focusing on completing a task everyday, set more attainable goals, like I will perform a step towards my goal at least 5 days this week.

  6. Measure your success
    Without measuring progress you are bound to fall behind.

    Write down the steps you complete each day, and at the end of the week look over all your progress. As time goes on you can add and remove steps from your list for accomplishing your goals.

If you enjoyed these steps, follow me and next week I will be sharing my favorite list of inspiration speakers and videos.

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