Growing the most

You may be wondering, where have I been? In the last two weeks I went silent. I have to tell you, it hasn't been easy. I've been on here giving motivational posts, but then life gave me a situation. I was thrown into an environment I wasn't expecting. We received some of the coldest weather recently on the east coast, the pipes broke in one of my rental units. Water flooded. My uncle died. The pain I felt this week pushed me harder than I've been pushed in a while. The fear I felt made me want to stop. I thought I wouldn't be back. How could I get online and talk about being driven when I was feeling so low. After all the chaos, I stayed in bed, I felt at wits end.

Finally, I had my moment of clarity. I listened to one of my favorites,
He has some great words,

This is happening to me because I'm a bad person
because there is something wrong with me
because I'm destined to fail...


this can be misguided information


I am finding my meaning. My purpose is to grow and to share with you all.

Comment below if you've experienced something recently which pushed you to grow.

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