Principle of The Day

Principle: ....Freedom guarantees inequality.


'Spring's Harvest'


.......original photography by @bleujay

Dear Readers,

How is everyone? Here's hoping Spring is treating you well.

Presenting Hivian's with just loads of Daffodils dressed in their fresh, crisp, cheery colours saying 'Spring is here.'

These Daffs are fresh from the Garden along with petite Narcissus and a couple of Hellebores.

Hope you enjoy today's Principle presented with a bit of icing...these fleurs from the jardin ....both photographed and painted.

Principles are timeless truths presented here for our ponderance. Timeless truths can give a bit of guidance, a standard when there is none.

Synonyms for principles are maxims, axioms, and proverbs, (the Book of Proverbs in the Bible has more principles than bleujay can count and makes for good reading).

Thank you for stopping by 'Principle of the Day'. __

Kind Regards,


...original watercolour and graphite by @bleujay.


'Daffodil in the Snow'

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