
"Hard" skills. To guide the work of the team, you need to master some techniques or applications. For example, Trello: know what features the application provides and use them.

"Soft" skills. You must learn how to express your thoughts, be sympathetic and resourceful. Write emails that will be brief and understandable, without ambiguity, create vivid presentations and allow the interlocutors to feel important.


"Hard" skills. Read all the requirements that you need to work in a team. Including - in the virtual. How can we control and direct the team's work in these conditions? This is precisely the "hard" skill that needs to be developed.

"Soft" skills. This does not mean that you should always be in the light of spotlights or take on the role of leader. It's about understanding what and when to do and say, about respecting others, meeting deadlines.

"Hard" skills. This is the most interesting area you can talk about for a long time. People who learned about leadership from books, believe that for success, one must be charismatic, self-confident and learn how to lead others with them.

But this is a primitive understanding of leadership. No matter how much they talk about Jobs and his "soft" skills, he, above all, was a technically savvy person. And if I did not understand anything about how computers work, I would not have achieved even a part of the success that I had.

The result is quite obvious: you can not lead the team if you do not have technical skills in the field in which it works.

"Soft" skills. Now let's talk about the skills that Jobs was famous for. Yes, in order to become an exceptional leader, one must learn to inspire, inspire enthusiasm, build trust in the team, respect others.

Leadership is to invisibly guide their team and at the same time not to interfere with its work. Create an atmosphere in which people will be very happy to come to work.

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