Why You Should Stay Busy

The Benefits of Staying Busy

There are so many great reasons to stay busy. The most obvious is you will get a ton more done and achieve more goals. Work ethic is the key to massive success but that is not the only reason to stay busy.

Another great reason is that you will not focus on your problems or disappointments you have. Most of us are thinking of our regrets, where we want to be, what we failed at and so on. When we stay busy and focus on current and future projects there is no room or time to think of what could have been.

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You Stay in Control of Your Life

When you are busy you will be less influenced by the free world. You can choose what influences you rather than when you have so much time on your hands, you just find anything to do and you will likely find more things that do not benefit you. Everything in the world influences you, whatever you see or do. Better to be on things you should be doing, rather than whatever comes up around you.

This will also create better patterns to have in life. Everything we do once, starts to build on itself. You do not want to continue to build patterns of laziness, weakness, or becoming a victim by not wanting to do anything productive. Keeping busy keeps you in the mode of progression and accomplishing. These are very fine traits for anyone to have to be happy and successful. You will learn, grow, and improve in more of everything you do. This will create more clarity and awareness in what you want or should do with your life.

Managing Time and Health Benefits

Staying busy will also improve your skill of managing time, staying organized and working efficiently. You will be quite surprised at how much you can do when you are running on all cylinders. Did you ever notice how much successful people do on a daily basis and they usually are like this till the day they die. No excuses for age or energy. They are up at the crack of dawn, sleeping usually even less than most people, working all day, exercising, taking care of their family, and still enjoying every day of their life.

Mental health is another great reason to be active in all aspects. The brain is constantly working because of the task at hand or either planning ahead. Keeping the mind active is a great way to do what it wants to do, be productive! It is a proven way to stay mentally healthy.

Staying busy will also help your success in the world with happiness or financially. As I mentioned in my last video, Be a Creator vs a Consumer. The more time we have to kill, the more money we will spend on useless materials, entertainment, and hobbies. This not only affects your wallet but your time which is even more valuable. Time is always ticking and we all only have so much of it, so it’s best to make the most of it. Financially we will be better off and have more to invest and create businesses or income with the extra we save.

Not being busy can turn you into a procrastinator. This is not a good trait to carry as it delays anything you and usually makes you make bad decisions.

Down Time is Good Too

Now I am not saying you should never take a break and have time off. As I am a firm believer of quieting my mind and that goes hand and hand with doing nothing at all. I meditate every morning and this is fantastic for mental health, creating more focus and clarity with everything. I’ve learned that everything is grey and not black and white in life, as this example proves. The thing is, you need to find the right balance to make it all work.

There's a certain feeling of pride that goes with keeping yourself successfully busy. You feel like you can do and accomplish anything. No matter the obstacle, nothing can stop you. This is one of the best feelings we can all have and I find usually people who are unhappy or depressed are not accomplishing must and maybe feel unworthy.

Studies have shown that people who are busy are also happier. This is due to the many benefits that come along with staying busy. The difference, though, between being busy and stressed and being busy and happy, is what you do in that "busy time". The key is to do what makes you happy and finding a balance between staying busy and taking time to reinvigorate and recharge.

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