The meaning of life. Whats yours?

The age old question, What is the meaning of life?


Everyone always wonders what the meaning of life is, smart people wonder what their own meaning of life is while most people wonder what the meaning of life in general is.

The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be

Biologically the meaning of life is to reproduce, but this isn't so much a meaning as a reason, and not a great one. We exist simply to continue our existence.
While some people find meaning in life by imagining an afterlife and trying to act in a manner that will get them to "heaven" this can be interpreted in many ways though which is how people can come to extremism.

In my opinion the meaning of life is, whatever you so choose it to be. There is no meaning to life, only the meaning you give it, or rather the things you do that give meaning to your life.

Some people choose to raise a family and continue their bloodline, attempt to give their offspring the best life possible. Others choose to focus on their career and achievements they can be proud of.
Others still choose to try and change the world, leave behind their own legacy and leave the world a better place than they came into it, but again that is subjective.


The meaning of my life is to find happiness, and not just those fleeting moments of happiness you get from a day with friends or a comedy show. True happiness. That feeling of contentment when you come home, waking up and being excited to face another day, not wondering what will go wrong. The feeling you get when you hold someone you love and feel like its forever. That is what i crave so desperately for my life, true pure unobstructed happiness.
That's not to say i live in a fantasy land, i know there will be shit times in life, when a loved one dies, when something goes wrong, but those things are only a small speed-bumps on the road of happiness, they're a slight detour. True happiness overcomes that, its what makes those things hurt so much more but its also what makes life worth living.

My happiness stems from feeling loved, by my family, by a woman, and by my animals. Animals are a massive part of my happiness. I'm not happy though, not currently. There is a large hole in my life that makes it hard to want to even get up everyday, let alone work towards my goals. It feels like something is holding me down but in reality im the only thing holding me down is me. It has been a long time since i felt genuinely loved. I don't even know where to look for it now, i look for it in my pets and animals, i look for it all around me and yet still it eludes me.

I know what i need to give my life meaning but it's hard to find and grab it, being so disheartened by the world around me doesn't help but i need to learn not to let it take away from my life.


So the real question isn't "what is the meaning of life?" but, how do i find what gives my own life meaning?
Some of you may already know, some of you may have no idea, but figuring it out will be both the most rewarding thing you could ever do, and the most important.

If you have figured it out, tell me below, what is the meaning of your life?
What is it that gives your life purpose?

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