Imitate Jesus

Luke 4:22 proves us by showing how Jesus used his speech while he attended the crowd - They . . . [were] amazed at the gracious words coming out of his mouth.
Today people use social media, youtube video and many more things that put them on lime-light. What do they talk? They all talk about just themselves in the name of God. They talk unity among the splitted religions. We must imitate Jesus’ gracious speech by being kind, courteous, and considerate of others’ feelings. We should put others feeling first than talk about ourself. We should give more importance to others pain than to add more anxiety to them.
Even when Jesus was being insulted, Jesus did not resort to harsh speech. (1 Pet. 2:23) Speaking with mildness and tact can be a challenge when our listener is someone whom we know very well. We might feel at liberty to be very frank. In todays time we want others to think we are right and for that reason we should always open up and say something. But sometimes being quite and silent helps the matter to calm quickly and perfectly.
When Jesus closest followers continued to argue over who was greater, Jesus corrected them with kind words and an illustration of a young child. Jesus never put himself ahead in anyway in the service he gave to the mankind. Can we as humans atleast make an attempt to follow Jesus foot steps and keep our 'I EGO' aside and work on ourselves to live peacefully with all different culture religions and accept ALL with love and dignity.
Thank you for reading.

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