Approval Society

We talk about life all the time. A new chance, a new thought, a new way to live life we hardly do it. When we fail in the test we feel like attempting suicide, when we fail in our marital relationship, when we lose our job we feel like killing our ownself. There are around 8 lakhs humans who attempt to take their own life. Every 7 minutes one person tries to suicides and every 24 minutes one human is successful with the attempt and dies.


Failure is not in the nature of human. If you see a small baby who is trying to learn how to walk, it falls and gets up many times but still tries. Humans are born to try and work on. But as we grow old we are losing this track and we fall in negativity. Life line is too short for any human to lose. We all at times come with such negativity.

There is lot of pain in others that we can help and forget our own. God is unhappy to see that no one is offering any help to the ones in need. Everyone is just thinking of their ownself. Who doesn't have problems in their life? Everyone is surrounded by approval society. We live by what others are proving us to be as. We are always told that we need to live in such and such way.

Insatisfaction is not injurious at all times. It is good to have insatisfaction when we are having all the privileges in life to achieve more. What is the biggest disease in the world? My answer to this is: The biggest disease is what will the people do. What will people say? People will say this and that and will spread like cancer all around the others.

Life is not what you say from birth to death. Life is not your name or surname nor you license card. Life is something that you can hold in your fist and say, you know you did it. Lived well enough this life. Life is a puzzle starting from the birth, youth and getting old. All this includes the relationship of parents and friends. Life is to clean and clear your heart with all the trash that has been built over times. Once we learn how to clear such obstacles of life we will learn to live life without an approval of the society.

Thank you for reading.

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