Workout - Meditate - Post - Repeat (I slacked off)

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Okay, I slacked off. I set I pretty simple goal of blogging about my three daily goals (working out, meditating and writing and I waited three whole days to put up a post. Today is a new day though, so I’m back.
Here’s a summary of how I did.

  • September 17th 2017  - I totally slacked off and didn't do anything
  • September 18th 2017 - I meditated
  • September 19th 2017 - I meditated
  • September 20th 2017 - Meditated, Worked out and posted

As you can see today was the only day in which I achieved all three of my daily goals. What was different about today is that I got up early this morning and worked out and meditated before I went to work this morning. Prior to today I was trying to get things done at night but that just was not working out for me. After I get home at night I’m tired and all I want to do is relax with my wife and baby. 

Tomorrow I’m going to try getting all three of my goal completed in the morning. To do this I’m going to try get up at 4:30am. That way I can workout for 30 minute, meditate for 20 minutes, write a post and then get ready for work. This might be a little too ambitious but it’s worth a try.

Wish me luck.



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