An update!

Hi friends!

Man, it has been a month.

I had my Steemit anniversary a few days ago. I unfortunately didn't have the time to hop on here and post about it, though I do wish that I did! A whole year of posting almost every day, and then I let a few weeks slip past! That's life though!

(This is me, not dead, but very stressed. But hey, I did my civic duty, so yeah, there's that.)

My mother's cancer is spreading even after her chemo, and I have been spending as much time as possible with her lately. I don't know what I would do without my mom, to be honest. She is my go-to-gal. I have also kept my kids out of school to home school them so that they can spend as much time with their grandmother as possible. I didn't really get to know any of my grandparents, so it's important to me for my kids to.

Aside from all that, I am working on my mom's bucket list. My mom runs a booth in an antique shop, and she wants to take that little shop on the road. For Christmas, I have been working with my dad to restore my parent's 1977 Suburban in order to turn it into a "Gypsy Wagon" of sorts. Something very colorful and eye-catching that will be capable of selling all the things my mom wants to. To be honest, I have kind of put my life on hold for all of this, because it is so important to me to make her happy.

I started a FB page where I post all of our furniture, and we already have a little following! So that's pretty exciting!

(Give it a gander if you wish)

In the throes of all of this, I have been still dealing with my MS and hoping for the best. I have refused the new medication they wanted to put me on due to the severity of the side effects. I'm only 31, I don't want to die of a brain aneurysm from taking a medicine that "might" not bring on more relapses. It has been tough, to say the least, and while I just passed my one-year Steemit anniversary, I am also embarking on the 1-year anniversary of when I lost my ability to walk last Christmas, and had to slowly gain it all back.

I guess it's been a rough year as well, haha.

The one thing that has been pulling me through, are my sweet babes. I love them to the moon and back, and have been teaching them the trade of resell! It's been pretty great watching them grow in their learning at home! Sometimes I feel like I am doing everything wrong in parenting, but I am trying my best and that's all I can do for now.

(my sweet bebs)

I'm sorry if I have been absent from reading/watching/posting. I haven't even had the time to produce, much less interact. I will eventually get back to it, but I am just swamped right now. I imagine this is terrible timing as well, seeing as morale is somewhat tied to the price of the SBD. Don't give up hope though guys! Stick with it! I have been reading about what a lot of economists are saying about the US, and if that's any indication world-wide of what might occur, 2020 is going to be a great year for crypto!

Well I should probably get going, but I wanted to let you all know that I am not dead, and I'm not rattled by the SBD price, and that I love you all, and will hopefully be back on here shortly!

Hope you are all well!

xx - Beth (Lady Steem)

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