How to strengthen the personality of my teenage son

How to strengthen the personality of my teenage son


The stage of adolescence is one of the most important stages in human life. The personality of the child is often adopted during this stage. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult for many physical and psychological changes. Parents should pay great attention to this stage and help the child identify the appropriate personality. And taking into account the sensitivity of this stage.

Build a sound personality

People often think that a personality consists only of verbal advice and ignorance of the importance of physical health in creating a healthy personality. Here are several tips for building a physically healthy personality:

  • To maintain a healthy diet, the healthy mind in the healthy body, so you should provide healthy foods for the child in adolescence of fruits and vegetables and try to keep him away from eating fast food and soft drinks because of the risk of health and obesity, fast meals lead to increased weight of adolescents, Damage to brain cells.

  • Trying to lose the weight of a teenager with extra weight, excess weight puts the body at risk of disease, and presents the safety of the mind also risk, as scientifically proven that excess weight leads to delayed absorption of the child and lead to damage in brain cells, and through many experiments proved that the child A moderate weight is able to learn more than others.

  • Drink enough water and get enough sleep. Your baby needs more than 12 hours of sleep per day. Sleep is very important for arranging thoughts and providing physical comfort. Many sleep cells are built during sleep.

Tips to strengthen the personality of the teenager

After completing the first stage and strengthening the child's physical safety, the child is ready to receive psychological counseling and personal improvement. Here are some tips to help strengthen the personality of the adolescent:

  • Try to rid the child of shyness, shame is a disgraceful and hurt the owner, and to rid the child of shame please follow the following:

    ° Give the child the opportunity to sit with relatives and older people to get rid of fear and shame. Children in general are afraid of the older ones.

° Allow the child to present his opinion on the topics raised during the discussion, and prefer to admire in his opinion whatever.

  • Attention to the elegance of the child, the good appearance gives the child greater confidence in himself.

  • Launching the teenager into the outside world and allowing him to participate in clubs and volunteer work.

  • An attempt to rid the child of his fears, if any.

  • Attention to adolescent friends. Teenagers are often influenced by close friends and imitate their actions.

By Fatin Assaid

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