How to solve marital problems

How to solve marital problems

Talk to your life partner

Can be one of the couple is oblivious to the feelings of his partner the other, it can discuss any problem by talking about the emotions that revolve in his mind, if he was afraid to talk to him, it indicates that their relationship is not strong, [1] It should be noted the importance of apology When one spouse is wrong about his partner. [2]

The couple controls their reaction

Advised the couple when discussing something to control in response to their actions by calming themselves, taking some rest, to assemble their ideas, and to check out their emotions, taking into account to avoid expressing their feelings toward each time the problem occurs, because it increases its size, [3] The difficulty in controlling one's behavior is referred to as the other. [2] Therefore, avoiding or refusing to deal with problems does not solve them, but rather increases them. [3]

Take advice

It can be helpful for the couple to use the opinions of friends and family to solve their own problems, [3] or to go to a family specialist, noting how the couple treat each other, and recommend solutions that help them to control and control their behavior. [1]

Having confidence

The presence of trust between the spouses is a necessary part of the continuation and success of the relationship, which is enhanced by honesty, respect for each other's feelings, and not to exaggerate their reactions when things get worse. [2]

Financial issues

Stem the problem of money from many reasons, including the successive expenses, the high cost of marriage , which recommends that the National Foundation for guidance Credit (NFCC) couples to dissolve their financial problems through honesty, and not to hide income, or religion from each other, and to work on the establishment of a joint budget includes savings , As well as planning common goals that will ensure the future of the family. [2]


1- ^ A b , AMBER KEEFER (13-6-2017), "How To To the Fix of a Controlling Relationship" , , Retrieved 11-7-2017. Edited.
2- ^ A b t w Carol Sorgen, "7 Solutions ' Can That Are the Save of a Relationship" , the , Retrieved 11-7-2017. Edited.
3- ^ A b v of Anna Chui, "How To Argue To So You Will Not Damage Your Relationship" , , Retrieved 26-10-2017. Edited.

By Ahmed Mohamed

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