When nothing matter

When nothing matter

Hi deer steemit friends!

Remember (2 hours)

I'm gonna tyell you a story.

This is the story of this painting. One week from today, I’ve done a party with my best friend some of his friends and his best friend (who is a girl from whom I’ve kind of a crush). I have to take care of my friend because he had just broken up with his girlfriend and was doing things like climbing nearby house and other crazy stuff (I’m actually pretty good at climbing to when I’m drunk but anyway). At this party, I was kind of tortured by the fact that I won’t see my best friend and my crush for 3 month (they have to do traineeship into foreign country him in Brazil her in Canada). so the point was I just can’t begin something with her because we won’t see each other for 3 months.

let’s go back to the drawing, the party end at 6 am and me my best friend and my crush were doing the way home together ( she live in the same direction) when we were in the park we passed near from a river and she say “let watch the sun rising” we agreed and when we were behind the water my friend said “ I’ve a better idea” he take his clothes off and dive into water I look at her, she look at me and we do the same and follow him. We start swimming the water was not cold at all and actually hotter than the air the sun was rising and that feeling… that feeling that the world was ours we were swimming in a river at the middle of the city at 6 am ignoring the risk . That feeling oh that that nothing matter and at the same time that everything was possible. It’s like the night was only this moment when we were those tree kids swimming to the sun . And everything after that doesn’t matter.

Her photo of the event (actually i think it's me in the water)

Give me your view and opinion in the comments.

I'll do a design/architecture/drawing/painting a day so stay tuned and follow me for more.

sorry for my rough English

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