Take a ride with me, let's talk about how to get better at marker sketching or anything you want

It's interesting to think about. It's hard to stay focused these days. You have your phone buzzing with notifications. Your favorite TV-show is now on demand, can you believe that! You can watch it any time you like with the push of a button. All these distractions around us.

You can look at it two ways. Either you see these distractions having a negative impact on your life and what you are trying to accomplish (given you have something you want to accomplish that is. Otherwise go ahead and binge watch Netflix as much as you want.)

Or you see the distractions as a way for you to get ahead of your competition.

You see while they're watching House of Cards, you're working towards your goals or practicing your skill sets. Doesn't matter what it is you want, if you can stay focused on that in today's society, you are already ahead.

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