How to Utilize the Comments Section for Profit and Wisdom


You guys are leaving some amazing comments! First off, I have been blown away by the support and sheer volume of thoughtful and insightful comments left on many of my posts. Entire chats have happened just in the comments section especially when a post is hitting a nerve and hopefully the right one. I upvote many comments left and the better the comment the bigger the upvote I leave. Not only are comments a source of revenue but you get to know new people and create a dialogue that breathes new life into your posts. psssst.....if I leave a thoughtful comment on your comment feel free to shower me with love, lol :P It's sort of like playing that game Telephone but with words and steem!


You are interacting with those who follow you and showing that you care by rewarding those who took the time to not only read your work but to also leave their own bits of wit and wisdom. Here are a few tips for maximizing your own comments section and cutting down on spam or negative feedback.

One... Gratitude is key and if it is stale and false and cut n' paste it will come through that way. I picture someone reading my work and taking their own time to respond. Even if we don't agree with everything left it means that your viewers are engaged and dig your style. In return for the support viewers have given to me I return the favor even if it's a simple upvote to show I read their writing as well.


Two... Open lines of Communication! When a comments section becomes a dialogue between users it's a beautiful thing. Others who follow my comments section discover new content creators and knowledge is exchanged. I have learned a great deal just by reading your feedback you leave for me and others.

Three... Creating and Fostering a Win/Win Scenario! Although I can not keep up with every comment left I do my best to take time out to read and respond as much as possible and when I see someone has upvoted, commented and the much cherished re-steem I dole out that Steemian love in accordance. Creating incentive for people to read your work and get to know you is awesome and seeing how people perceive your work is invaluable. Ignore Spammers/Haters! I sometimes flag some who are just way over the line but mostly I ignore them and they just stay at the bottom while those who are interacting the most tend to float to the top of that section.


Being nice doesn't cost a damn thing so spread that stuff everywhere and when I see someone leaving a heartfelt reply I do enjoy giving what I can including full upvotes. I wish I could dole out full upvotes more but there would go the power to leave anything for anyone else. So stand up, stand out and Steem On!

My name on Discord is the same and I am often found here U5dr35NQgGRG63maUQssm6ERG2ueBE2_1680x8400.jpg


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