Update On Knee Surgery! Physical Therapy Will Start Tuesday!

As you know I had to have a revision done my knee again. I had the surgery on the 6th of August. I had to be there at noon on the 6th. Late in the day and could not eat or drink after midnight so I was so thirsty when got there. It did not matter as I was in surgery by about 1:30 PM, the got the leg block done and was off to the surgery room. I was in my room by 4:30 PM that evening. It was so late of a surgery because I had to go through the emergency room to get this done. They paged the doctor doing the surgery and we were off and running, well they were I was riding. LOL.

It was not fun trying to get on the surgery table as those things are still as small as I remember. Feels like you will fall off as soon as the move the bed the transported you into surgery with, it was about three minutes I was set up and I was asleep. I woke up with nurses around doing all the things they needed to do in the recovery room and I was in my room in about 10 minutes. The doctor and my wife were there and she told me the doctor said all went well. I was still just a little groggy and trying to get my crap together somewhat. My wife got my laptop plugged in and set up for me and my phone charger plugged in and a table to set stuff on for me and she had to get back home because there was a storm moving in, she called and told me she made it home.


The first picture I remember taking when I was awake. Had some others but not that good. So I will share this one with you. LOL. I was on the 4th floor of the hospital and had some big windows to look out of and I got some pictures.


This is of the storms that were coming in that night


This is not the best but I thought it was a cool shot of the lighting happening that night. Had to wait on it so a little shaky. I only had my smartphone as they would not let me bring my camera in. I would have set it up on the table to get some time-lapse shots or a video of the lighting. There was a lot of pictures I would have loved to got but my arms were still kinda rubbery at that point.

I made it home on the 8th as I was able to get up and walk around the halls of the floor I was on with the help of a knee immobilizer and a walker, with the help of PT and OT, and leg was getting stronger as I walked on it. The doctor came up and talked to me and told me I was good to go home. Still did not get home till about 4:30 PM because they had to get all the paperwork together and get things in order. It was about an hour drive home. The wife brought the grandkids up to see me and they told them they had to wait downstairs, as luck would have it, my son came with her to watch them downstairs. No, she was not a happy camper and made it known to everyone she talked too. The last surgery they came to the floor to see me and did not understand why they could not this time as nothing had changed according to the hospital.


This is the bandage they put on it from the hospital and I will change it soon and I will take a picture of the knee with no bandage on it. I will post a disclaimer in that post in case some people do not want to see it and I will let you know where it is in the post. I start PT on the 14th of August and the knee is doing good. Having been through this before I know pretty much what to do and how to move it to make sure it does ok until PT starts. I will post more updates as we go along on this journey again. I see the doctor in two weeks and he will see if the staples are ready to come out ot not. Have a great day/night everyone, whatever it is in your neck of the woods.

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