Are We The Sheep, Following Blind? Without A Thought Of What Is Really Happening!

Let me say right up front, this is not going to be a post with pictures or memes or any gifs. I want to get a message out and I do not want any of that to be a distraction to the message I am trying to get across to you. I was reading a post this morning by @delishtreats about a day trip they made and in that post, she made she said something that stuck in my mind. There was a hillside with a flock or a herd of sheep on it, and as they were standing there the sheep moved towards them. In her post, she said, "We saw a young man on the other side of the field - probably their shepherd. He must have said something because all of the sudden they all turned around and disappeared. It all went so fast! Isn't it amazing that so many sheep listen to one person?

Think about that for a minute and let it sink in! It that not what we have become "Sheep" We look at the mainstream media and what they say is what is going on, look at a video on YouTube, or DTube and say that is the way it is and we just go with it. Look at our local county and state government and the federal government and just follow blindly with no questions or really no doubts. I see some of that even here on Steemit, there are a couple of people you follow and what they say is, so to speak, the way it is and anyone says different they are just wrong. Do you not have a mind of your own to think and ask a question with and to decide what is right for you no matter what others say? Do not get me wrong there are great things others are doing and it is great to get ideas from others and expand those ideas to make them your own and asking questions to develop those ideas and make them work the way you want them too.

The 60's and 70's were a great time for the people of the United States we have many jobs in the auto industry and many other industries, like the steel industries and later on the computer industries. Where have they all gone too? They were moved overseas where they work for pennies on the dollar in what we call "sweatshops" all for the bottom line of profit and what the CEO's could put in their pockets. While the American people struggle to make a living and provide for their families. We had a health care system that was not tarnished by the bottom line of profits and insurance will pay the money because this is a something that is of high demand and keeps people healthy and productive. It was affordable for all of us because of the jobs helping their workers with health care and kept drug manufacturers to a set of rules for the good health of the people not making the CEO's of those companies rich. They pay less to get a product made and sell it for the same price as if it was made in the U.S. and had the overhead of paying the American worker to manufacture that product. It helps those big companies in profits, not the American people or the people working overseas. Bring those industries and the jobs that were once here back to America so we can be a healthy nation again.

If you look at where the castles of old were built, you will see they were built on a hill or mountain high above everything else. To look down on the people they were ruling over. Here in the Unties States, we have in terms a capital hill where our elected officials look down on us as subjects of a rule, where in reality, it should be "We the people" on that hill as they are elected by us, to serve us and to have our best interests at heart. That is not how it is working, as the way I see it, they are getting richer from all the corporations putting money in their pockets to fit the needs of that corporation and not the needs of the people that elected them on our behalf.

I hope one day the majority of the sheep will wake up and see that before it is too late to change things in our country or whatever country you are in. If you have a vote, in the country you are in, use that vote to make it a better place for you and your kids and grandkids. We have the internet to use it to research the person you are voting for and see what he is doing and has done and if he does something that is not what he promised or something that you think is not in your best interest speak up and make your voice heard. Let's use our voices to be heard and let them know we are not the sheep any longer and let's make our world a better place to live in. Instead of us being scared of them let them know they are the ones that should be scared of us because "We the people" are awake.

These were just some thoughts that were going through my mind today and have been for a while. It is something that as a nation we need to think about and realize "We the people" are the ones that can fix this and make things better for generations to come. Our government is corrupt and it needs to be "cleaned up" so let's get the housecleaning done and ask questions and make the better choices for our families. Stand together as a nation and become a democracy in the great Republic we once were! Let's start a conversation in the comments about this!

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The American's Creed
by William Tyler Page

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I, therefore, believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.


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