Armchair Musings #8 - Why Do We Leave Good For Bad (Part 1 of 2)

I need more male friends.

I sat at a round table discussion with my not male friends, being an unwilling party in the latest “men are scum” dance. I did my best to zone out and yet look supportive, while also looking guilty and ashamed of my gender as a whole. 

Clearly, I was a man who wore many hats.

“Imagine! That slut!” Ann’s voice hustled me back to my senses. Apparently the current emotion now was disgust. The affected party had just mentioned the girl who her SO had cheated on her with, Sori. 

“Typical men. They ask you to be a certain type of girl, then turn around and go misbehave with the exact same girl they say they don’t want to be with. Then he’ll now stay with the useless girl. Why do guys do that?”

There it was. The casual question thrown into the wind. Aimed at no one, everyone, and one particular person. Now I had to stand tall and defend men, or take the easy way out and castigate “some of us”

Well here I am, still alive and musing so, you know EXACTLY which route I took…


It was a pretty good question.

Why would a guy (or girl?) decide that the person who essentially makes them a better version of themselves is worth risking by fooling around with someone who may ultimately destroy him? Why would he have a good thing, ignore it, and go after horrible stuff? Why would he have two birds in hand, and go off looking for a vulture in the bush?

                                                          Irresistible Disgusting

Well I have the answer, and it’s a much easier trap to fall into than you might think.

Hell, you probably do it every damn day.

I’m a healthy eater.

Not by choice, of course. Junk food in Nigeria is just significantly more expensive than good, home cooked (or bought) food. It’s a pretty sweet deal. You get to keep your body pumping at a 101%, and you save money while doing it. Success!

But every once in a while, I tend to wander.

I’m sure you do too. An ice cream cone here, some chocolate cake there, an alarmingly unhealthy and ungodly cavalcade of potato chips and burgers; it happens to the best of us.

It doesn’t mean we don’t like good food. Hell, when you wake up the next morning, cursing the delivery guy who thought it was a good idea to hand over 7 large pizzas to a guy who was clearly alone, you’ll probably crave something healthy. 

For a while, this’ll be you. But after a while, that craving still comes back. You forget how horrible you felt after your carb overload, and start to want that again. If you don’t have a significant amount of self control, you’re probably going to seek out that same, momentarily beautiful but ultimately destructive thing.

Just like that, the cycle continues. Finally, you get caught, you apologise, maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t. The important thing is the cycle has started; and it’s a rough ride to get off of.

And as for the class of guys who stick with the Sori? Well, that’s another story…


…that I’ll get into in Part 2!

Thanks for the read guys, hope you enjoyed it. Next part will be coming in a day or two, stay tuned, and be sure to hit all those good vibe buttons, Upvote and his friends, comment and resteem!

Photo Credit: Pexels and Pixabay

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