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Every person in the world is unique but March babies are said to have some unique characteristics that differ from the rest of the people. They are believe to have unique talents and will strive to be a successful person.

For the month of March, Greek zodiac sign can be Pisces or Aries. Pisceans can be describe as romantic, emotional, sensitive and honest. Aries on the other hand is a fire sign, they are considered to be cautious, energetic and restless. Their traditional birthstones are aquamarine or bloostones. Aquamarine is a soothing stone believed to quell fears, protect, courage and happiness. Bloodstones represent fortitude and strength. And it is believed to attract abundance and wealth.

Under these fortuitous signs, March is indeed a wonderful month to be born in. If you were born on March, consider yourself lucky.

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Today marks the 1st day of March, allow me to share to all of you the best traits of people born on March.

1.) Attractive

March babies have attractive personality that many finds it sexy. They will hardly ever go unnoticed. Plus they are great kissers.

2.) Shy and Reserved

At first they can be shy and reserved but they are very affectionate. They are extremely trustworthy. You may find them very quiet at a corner but they are very observant. They pay attention to every detail.

3.) Mysterious

They do not reveal easily their deepest secrets. They tend to live in two different worlds, the real and the mystical. They try to hide their pain and suffering from the real world and sneak in the imaginary world of their own.

4.) Prefer quietness

March babies love peace and quietness. They would choose serenity and tranquility over fame and wealth. They stay away from loud and garish people. Many march born people are introverts.

5.) Highly Intuitive

People born on march are highly intuitive therefore you can't deceived them. They can sense any schemes being planned against them so better not underestimate them because deception makes them stronger.

6.) Talented

Pisceans are artistic by nature, they are attracted beautiful things and have imaginative minds which makes them good in the field arts. Well known artistic pisces is Michaelangelo (born March 6, 1945)

7.) Generous and Sympathetic

March babies are compassionate and they love to serve people. They are instinctively honest and love to show their generosity to the people they care. Generally they are selfless and generous

8.) Faithful

They are the most loving partners and would never ever cheat to their loved ones. They will remain faithful no matter what. For them trust is most importing thing in a relationship.

21 years ago, 5th of March born this little girl named BARBIE.

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A vigorous and attentive young lady.


Years passed and the little girl turned into this beautiful young woman.

Strong independent woman


And four days from now she will be again celebrating her birthday.


Advance Happy Birthday Self!!

But do you believe that birth month condition the future and characteristics of a person?
Well, you should have because the traits I mentioned above are some the personal traits I believe I have. People who know me can attest you that.




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