The debate on socialism and capitalism

In recent times there are voices of socialism coming out of America, which could have never been thought of. The torch bearer of capitalism talking about socialism is really strange phenomena and people don't seems to wrap their head around it.

But that is obvious stream of sequence that will unfold, as a society become too much affluent, stagnancy can result.

The debate, which form of system is better, is a very wrong and futile debate. You don't teach higher quantum field theory to child in first grade. Similar these both system are appropriate for the societies in a particular stage of evolution.

A poor country which does not have wealth, needs capitalism on full throttle so that they can create wealth. Collective idea of creating wealth does not fit human psyche.

But once enough wealth has been created, so much that people are no more interested in wealth, than the socialism is obviously next step.

There is friction always when we don't understand the way where we are going.

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