Lesson of Life - Part 2

This is the part two of the post titled Lesson of Life Click here for Part 1.


I commence my gratitude to people who motivate me, whom I classified as my mentors, the likes of Price E.A., Less Brown, Jay Chatty

Life is changing everyday, technology is getting more advanced, we learn all days either the positive or negative studies of life.

Believe in yourself

One thing successful do is firstly; they believe in themselves, carried out there opinion and you know what happened they became successful.

You have to believe in your goal, be believe you will be successful no matter what, not matter who you are, regardless of your poor family, be optimistic about your goals, words are powerful, know what you utter out of your cavity.
Sometimes you will encounter hard times, that's normal, it's part of life, when you get this don't let it depressed you, all you have to do is to smile and find solution to it, every problem has solution, they way we handle and solve make it to be different, depression kills ones goals, it brings bad thought and make one pessimist on his/her goals.

It will pass

That's for sure, it's 100% guaranteed, anything you're passing through will pass, where you're sitting reading this article will be passed i.e will become past tense, if you are having hard times just keep pushing it of, it will pass and you will be happy at the end…

Believe + Peace


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