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Waking up in fantasy could sometimes be deceiving and threatening because it might only lead us to a certain trap or misfortune.

In deep slumber, we perceive things that we could hardly distinguish whether it's real or not. When we wake up, we sometimes see the same view. Still, we wonder how reality be different from fantasy.

There is a place, not far from where we stayed, where we could do everything. A place where we can eat endlessly, laugh as loudly as we could and sleep as much as we like. In such place, we don't have to worry anything since everything rises in fantasy and dies in deep illusion.

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On the other hand, there is a place where everything is set for pain. We work hard in order to eat, we compete before we earn, we strive to survive and we fight for us to live. Everything is always associated with pain.

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But behind the hard walls of these pains are prices we could get. These are the awards which could only be obtained by defying the odds. Hundreds of men has sought it, but couldn't find it. Many have sailed across but still failed to discover. Many wise men attempted to unravel its identity, but sometimes to no avail.

It is with pain that we are made holy. It is with hardship that we are made graceful and above all, it is with a challenging journey that our world is made precious.

Happiness is the price me could have after defying the odds. The battle itself is already a price for not all the fights are easy ones. Of the ten fights, perhaps eight or nine of which pulled us to fall down. Yet, it is by standing up that we are made stronger and by becoming stronger, our world begins to widen. There is already more to conquer, more to explore, more to cope up with, more to deal with and more to live for.

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Happiness couldn't be taught by anyone. Happiness could only be felt if we are able to see the other side of the world. It could only be seen, not with just open eyes, but with an open heart and mind.

Grudges and resentments are all hard blocks covering us from seeing the price. Let's stop bearing these in our heart since it could not do any good to us nor to anyone around us. These things only narrow our world. These things make us loose our next step to see the world. There is still so much world waiting for us. Let's get out from this captivity and widen our territory.

The fact remains that fantasy is always an illusion of happiness while reality is a world often executed in pain. Yet, between the two, it is better to live in the latter for atleast everything you have is for real. While in fantasy, what you may be seeing are just a hurtful trick of time.

Hope you enjoy reading this shord article.

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