Qualities of leadership

Once in our 9th class we have studied a chapter.I forgot the name of that chapter but still remember the lesson.
once there was a king who has a son. He send his princess to a teacher ,so he can learn about how to become a good leader.
The teacher send the princess to a jungle to sit there for few days and learn what he see there.Princess went to a jungle and sit under the tree and start observing the things around him.

After some days when princess return to his teacher.Teacher asked him to tell what he observe there.

Princess said that i observe the animals moving here and there,long tress etc all the common things he saw there. Teacher send him back and said no u haven"t learn anything.Princess was quiet worried and he thought that i have told each and everything to my master ,than why he send he again.But he again went to the jungle and more keenly he started observing every thing .After one week he again come to the master and again his master asked the same question .Now princess replied,i have heard the cheering of birds,the sound of tress ,the whispering of wind.Than the teacher said yes now u have learned,so my child if you want to become a good leader u have to listen the peoples unsaid words,you have to feel their sorrows .When you will be able to do that you will b able to enter the heart of your peoples.

The great lesson we learned at the time .If anyone of you want to share any stories you liked in your childhood share with us.And if any one of you know the topic of this name tell us that too.

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