Gift of Life

How many young people today move around guessing about so many things , moving around with no clear cut of purpose , no sense of responsibility whatsoever .

You know, am personally amazed at a very young intelligent man who hadn’t been told that he is here for a reason and not just to add to the numbers and by his ignorance he follows whatever works when under the pressure of life …really??? life should not be lived that way .

Early enough in my life , I found out that if I cannot clearly articulate my vision to people and my ideas to men , I don’t have any yet …

A lot of people go through life hoping for the best life, following every wind of doctrine , never understanding the fact that they are the ones to bring the future they see into reality .

And the structure of life is such that you can’t be idle , men would always give you a direction if you lack one and most times such people end up fulfilling the purpose of others .

This is my headache , let everthing you do be motivated by a purpose , to the tiniest of matters, let there be a vision between your two eyes . Learn how not to be motivated by the majority , detest following the crowd .

People who follow everyone at best end up been average …. If you don’t believe what am saying , maybe you just quit here and stop reading and also forget getting to the top of your game .

Your life is a masterpiece , you must live it intentionally with every bit of consistency and passion and be sure to maximize such a beautiful opportunity to live .

We must learn to edit our lives violently and upgrade our lives consciously.

You must be the master of your life and confidently wield your life as fiery sword to make impact in your time … come to think of it , how on earth can we be given so much a great a chance to live , an opportunity to appear in time , I guess it would be a waste to just vanish into the thin air with no significant purpose .

Life is a gift, your own life is a gift, and you can decide to spend it anyhow you want it .

Friends , can we explore the true beauty of life , changing cultures , affecting lives positively , infiltrating mindsets ,building structures to propel humanity and serving others .

Trust me , if no one had told you , young man, you are so responsible for the state of your life. image

Today make a decision to fight mediocrity in every area of your life .

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