Things You Learn When You Realize You Can Be Successful Without Being Stressed

Lately I’ve often questioned if it’s even possible for me or for someone to achieve a goal without being stress? Someone who always struggled with the feeling that if they do not do 1 million things that are useful with their time they're failing; like they always need to get up and do more. Guess what? I've been there too. The feeling that you have to sleep to gain more energy but you can't because there's a lot of things running in to your head. Yes exactly! I felt and experience that too.


img source: girl motivated
I want to share with you the lessons I’m learning and how they’ve changed my outlook immeasurably:

CHERISH THE MOMENT. You have to start switching your focus to the journey instead of the conclusion, when you start to enjoy the journey you will learn a lot of things, you will learn from every mistakes you make so you can make your end goal better.

COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS IS POISONOUS. Comparing yourself to others doesn't help you, you're only making yourself miserable and jealous. Start focusing on what you have, appreciate your body, yourself and love every inches of you. It's free! Your journey is unique everyone has a unique journey. Remember if ever you feel down about yourself because someone is doing it better than you, remember that no one can do what you’re supposed to do, in the way that you do it, but you!

PUT YOUR MIND AT EASE. I know that it is so hard. But, give it a tos. When you can’t sleep at night and everything you have to do is racing through your head, just breath and pray.
Put some relaxing music on, or drink a cup of tea, do some exercise or eat some ice cream. 😊

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