Hardcore. SHOCK!!! Incredible stories from the life of different people

The story of the life of a young girl.

Dad had cancer, removed, treated.

In December, at the inspection they said: "Yes, you are fine, come in half a year."


I live in Moscow, for the New Year I came to my parents, I went back with a suitcase and a big bag.
Dad felt good, drove to the station.
There was a terrible snowfall, covered the entire path from the parking lot. I was carrying a suitcase from her, and my dad took the bag.
My mother and I swore terribly, we took it by force, because even though the disease let go, we need to take care of ourselves, but no, I rested, we are his girls.

Within a month after that, dad began to fade away quickly, fell down - metastases.
Doctors even did not prescribe any treatment, not what to do surgery.

In late April, he painfully died.

He almost could not speak, but a few days before that he called to congratulate him on his birthday and he casually uttered the phrase: "Something really did not make dad feel bad after this bag, daughter."

As the familiar doctors said afterwards, everything was clear already in December, there was no hope, they just wanted to calmly endure the last months, but how difficult it was every time, because when he was dying, he thought it was all because of my damn bag.

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