This is the product of a couple hours of brainstorming for new FLIER CAMPAIGNS. These are in no particular order. Not all of them are top tier, not all of them will be applicable to everyone, in every situation, at every time. But the range of topics & angles covered here can provide our base with just the right talking points, for the right place, at the right time.


Allah / Mohammed is Gay

It's OK To Be White

My Borders - My Choice

Who Owned The Slave Ships?

Kate Steinle Had Dreams, Too.

Multiculturalism Signs

Sharia Zone Signs


Merkel Wants You To Resist No-Go Zones.

Gulags to the left of us, Showers to the right of us.

Safety/Security Is A Minor Cost For Multiculturalism.

Liberty Traded For Diversity Is A Bad Deal.

The World Does Not Care About You.

Diversity Is Division. / Diversity Divides Us.

Pathological Altruism is not a Virtue.

Prophet Mohammed Wants You To Lower The Age of Consent.

Contaminated Cooters Don't Get Cunnilingus.

Does Multiculturalism include Rape Culture? (With a silhouette of a Hijab.)

Demography Is Destiny.

Every Illegal Is A Criminal.

Allies Don't Drag Allies Into War.

JFK & RFK were our Gracchi Brothers.

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors (Mixing in On-Point old maxims negates accusations of bigotry, and can be turned back on them if they are unaware of these widely known sayings.)

Various On-Point witty Asian quotes. (Bypassing charges of bigotry by using other cultures philosophy to make our points.)

Literally Hitler Wants Your Guns.

Blue Counties Are High Crime Counties.

Mutual Nationalism is Ethical Globalism.

Gaea Hates Predatory Trans-National Banksters.

Equal misery is more fair than unequal prosperity.

Self sufficiency & resilience mean survival for Gaea.

We Don't Belong In Syria.

Food Aid Increases Starvation & Destroys Indigenous Farming.

Micro-Aggression Accusations Are Macro-Aggressions.

Censorship Is Real Hate Speech.

Justice Doesn't Need A Qualifier.

Moral Relativists Are The Progressive Morality Police.

Socialism Breeds Weakness, Weakness Breeds Fear, Fear Breeds Hate.

Today's Conspiracy Theories Are Tomorrow's History.

Bubba & Dubya Want You To Trust The CIA. (With cocaine nose-jobs.)

Chelsea Manning Wants You To Truth Wikileaks.

Whites are the smallest global minority.

Masculinity is Strength. Femininity is Beauty.

Anyone Can Be Racist.

Reality Is Not A Social Construct.

Free Speech Is Speech You Hate.

Aisha Was Only 9 Years Old.

#120db Is The Real #MeToo.

Nationalism Is Normal.

The Top 0.01% Are All Globalists.

Being Born White Is The New Original Sin.

Feminism hates women who don't need it, & ignores those who do.

What Really Happened In Vegas?

Within 90 Years Of America's Founding, Millenia Of Slavery Ended.

30% Of Black S. Africans Are Admitted Rapists.

Globalism Hates The Working Class.

The Bourgeois Love Globalism.

Migration Without Limit Is Invasion.

Open Borders Is Treason.

Democrats Would Lose The 2nd Civil War, Too.

Big Brother Hates Hate Speech.

America Saved Jews From The Nazis & The Soviets.

Anti-Americanism is Anti-Semitism.

Censorship is Anti-Semetic. / Censorship Martyrs Anti-Semitism.

Hate Speech Is A Dog-whistle/Orwellian/Newspeak For Honest Disagreement.

Communism Killed More Than Nazism (Using a Hammer & Sickle & Swastika.)

Authoritarianism Believes In You.

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