Feeling Terrible Because You Are Being Faced With Yourself? It's Only Good!


Right now, I’ve got a few people who are close to me, who are going through their own personal version of life hell.

Being confronted with shit they’ve been hiding from themselves or probably didn’t even fucking know and it’s all coming up and giving them a stormshow.

And fuck, I know how they feel.

I’ve been there. Done that. And it’ll probably keep happening as my life carries on, evolves and shit needs to be processed.

And that’s okay.

But this is REALLY the first time they are really being forced to see their truth self.

And fuck, they are hurting SO much.

And it’s good.

I celebrate it.

Because this is the mega tough part.

Facing yourself and all the ugly truth shit that rears it’s horrible head is a really courageous task.


So when I ask them, how you are doing? And they come back with ‘meh’ or ‘mwaa im sort of okay’ or ‘nope, I am feeling damn shitty’, I ALWAYS say ‘GOOD!’.

And not to make them feel bad or anything. Because trust me, they are feeling bad enough, they don’t need other people making them feel any worse.

But because really giving into the feelings of shittyness is good.

It means you are going through a process.

It means you are moving, evolving and growing.

And these are your growing pains.

Yes, they hurt.
Yes, they are in pain.

But hey, they’ll move through it because you have no other choice but to process it.

It is part of this whole process.

You can’t NOT go through this if you want to evolve.
You can’t NOT feel terrible if your life wants to create a version 2.0 of you.

And there is SO much judgment in our society towards people who are going through a bad patch.

Which just feels so unjust.

These people are brave.

And society wants to emotionally shit on these people while they are at their lowest low?


Let’s embrace ourselves when we are going through a tough time.
Let’s hold space for others when they’ve seen their own truth and it isn’t as bright as they hoped it was.
Let’s leave our judgments at the door and actually see the goodness of it all.

Let’s say yes to growing pain.
Let’s say yes to having a shitty time.
Let’s say yes to someone going through a process.

And who knows, the acceptance, understanding and even a little love can help someone (or yourself) move through a bad patch faster than before.

Photo is from Unsplash.com

BIG love,


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