# 2 On Freedom

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                           The ultimate narrative of the human species
                                  is its quest for more freedom
                               and the related struggles to ascend
                            to higher standards of living and relating

    In such divine desires to overcome tyranny,oppression,and the limits of our 
 own darkness and small-mindedness,we find recurrent hope for humanity.
    Those who found hope and lived a free and happy life despite history's 
 brutalities and darkness were not simply people of fortune or luck or fame,
 but rather of conscience and courage.They knew the demand of their time,
 that their destiny was unfolding with 
 the man or woman to their left and to their right,and that they would need
 to remain motivated in overcoming both their internal demons and the 
 social tyrants of the world. Theirs was a long march of effort and  
 englightenment. They declared without apologies their independence,their
 rights and direction.Their only guide was an internal one, a manifesto in their
 minds that called for the courage to be themselves and the discip- 
 line to  direct their energies toward higher purposes.

                                THE DOUBTS ABOUT FREEDOM

   Some have questioned if we have too much freedom,if our great liberties 
 are too much of a good thing. The long light of this golden age of peace
 and prosperity has changed the world for the better,but for some ,it has
  led to a sunburn on the soul-an excessive exposure to abundance that      
 has led to indolence,greed,nercissism,and entitlement.

        It is only in active self-expression and pursuite of our own aims that we
  can become free.

                            Problem #1 Social Oppressions

                        We become not free and genuine humans 
                            but rather slaves to opinion.
                            This is the ultimate misery:
                          living a life that is not our own.

                            Problem # 2 Self - oppressions

                      Self-oppression is the condition of letting
                   our own negative thoughts and actions restrict us.
                     It is an inside job, a burdering of our spirit
                     by incessant doubt,worry,fear, and distraction.
                    It is our own inept thinking,our own bad habbits 
                            that  rip the vibrancy from life.
                   We are the ultimate oppressors of our own happiness.

   This is why we seek personal growth - to be free from the pain we cause
  ourselves, to make better choices, to feel better about who we are 
  becoming, to act more confidently in social situation,and to unleash our
  full creativity and contibution into the world in order to make our highest
 difference. Gaining Personal Freedom in this sense is letting go of any self-
 doubt and self-loathing and allowing ourselves permission to be our unique,
  powerful,authentic selves.
    It is in freeing ourselves to be present and genuine in life that we find trust
and confidence in ourselves ,that wegrow and master and realize our hightest
selves,that  we find authentic joy in our interactions and experiences in the
world,that  we feel  motivated and liberated.
     Indeed, the telltale signs that someone is free and healthy are genuniness
 and growth.
     Aware of these things,we must have responsibility and courage to think for 
 ourselves,to ask " Are my ambitions,attentions, and actions truly of my own
  choosing? Am I being my genuine self in the world and pursuing things that deeply
  matter to me? Am I openning myself to change and challenges so that  I can 
  stretch and grow into my full potential?"

                       Freedom requires responsibility to 
                       choose who we are above and beyond
                our immediate impulses,needs, and social pressures,
                So that we can genuinely express the type of person
                 we want to be,live the life we truly want to live,
                           leave the legacy we desire.

                         If we are not free to choose our
                         character and conduct and legacy,
                  then we are controlled by something else -thus we
             are lacking freedom. And if we are not responsible for our
             beliefs and behaviors,then someone or something else is-
                             thus,again,we are slaves.

                         We must be consious and responsible
                            for our beliefs and behaviors
                             if we are ever to be free.

                                   Power Concept:
                                   Freedom from 
                                   Freedom to

                        To achieve and sustain Personal Freedom,
                       we must dedicate ourselves to self-mastery
                            we must  determine and discipline
                                 our own motivations to
                         stay true to our own sense of self,
                                    to our own path.

Thank you for Reading
Go out everysingle day of your life live fully,
love openly,and stay motivated to make your
difference every single day.

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