My Fantasy Diary I — Storytelling My Way to an Upgraded Life

My Fantasy Diary I — Storytelling My Way to an Upgraded Life

Part I: The Perfect Start to a Memorable Day

I inhale naturally as Wim Hof taught me and a smile spreads across my face. Air is circulating fresh around me, and my feet are warm but the air around is fresh and crisp. The smell of freshly juiced oranges and a sweet passion fruit marmalada kisses the air. Noticing beautiful scent after pleasing sight, my lips part and curve upward; oxygen energizes my core, serotonin moves, pop, pop, pop, like mini fireworks up and down my smooth, bronzed limbs. I notice how joyful it makes me to always be experiencing new pleasures. I giggle to myself as I feel love spread warmly around and through me.

As my senses are awakening, I notice how beautifully comfortable everything is around me. I hear the curtains as they drift slightly across a large window, their hang heavy and edges crisp, and sunlight illuminates my bedroom, a natural soft-box, a friendly bounce-board. I practice Ho'oponopono naturally as I lovingly pet my full and perky breasts, my nipples tanned, hard and pointing high. My arms stretch overhead, trim and toned as I feel the creative fingers of two loving hands tracing love symbols on my trim stomach. My thick, full lash line bats softly open and my honey colored eyes catch his. My partner’s blue eyes compliment the surrounding environment and I notice how artistically painted the palette of my life is every morning. His eyes sharpen as mine focus on them and with a quizzical and playful look I know our day today will be just as joyful as yesterday.


My pedicured toes pull out from under the duvet and step down to a dense and well-loved wooden floor. The many textures in the room absorb our footsteps, and so quietly we step over to the pups that they don’t even hear us. Their bed, high as their masters’ but in plush miniature, faces a window all their own with an active but peaceful view. My youthful and dexterous hands pet a pup each, my fingers sliding across their silky and salon-groomed fur. I notice how happy and royal they both act now that they have engaging and mentally stimulating lives.


I cross the bedroom as graceful as a dancer, swinging my hips and appreciating the mirrored view from all directions. With the weight of an expensive handle in my hand, I open the bedroom access to my dressing room. Naturally well-lit, the room is even more radiant with the masterly designed chandelier and vanity lighting. Large, heavy mirrors of thick-molded wood decorate the spacious wardrobe where outfits hang so expertly that their display could be considered art. A feminine room, balanced by masculine stature, I breathe in the space where I feel 100% at peace.

A custom designed meditation chair lounges in the corner, matching its larger friend of the same purpose downstairs; windows cast natural light, radiant and youthful skin greets me in the mirrors as I check out my flawless complexion. My hair is long and wavy, much thicker from root to ends than I ever imagined and running my hands through my silky and bouncy locks I realize I’m another one of those [reverse aging success stories] ( My lashes are so naturally full and thick I can see them, like my cute and plump pout, from across the room as I make my way through the dressing room’s private bathroom entrance.

Natural marble greets the pads of my toes as they cross over the threshold, and my eyes take in a beautiful grand view, one I still haven’t completely gotten used to yet. Patterned white stones shine across the gleaming Hampton’s style bathroom, every surface lustrous and clean, reflections of nature playing in every one. Natural wood baskets hold soft fluffy towels, enough stocked with a week’s worth of fresh ones, and rather than clutter or detract from the environment they actually enhance. The terry cloth is as clean as new and carries a faint misting of revitalizing scents, sandalwood today, and my eyes close with appreciation. I’m as grateful for the surprise as I am for my thoughtful life assistants who take pleasure in caring for me in such attentive ways, and I pause for a minute to feel whole-hearted appreciation for how far I’ve come in such a short time.

Not that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed the laundry situation of my past

I scrunch the bottoms of my feet on the bathroom mat and give a habitual nod of appreciation, a force of habit from my short time already on stage, to the team that helped me put this all together. My partner and I ready ourselves for the day in our shared bathroom and it feels impossibly spacious. The size of my previous apartment entirely, this palatial bathroom is big enough to play in for days without ever feeling tedious. Beautiful fixtures caress the walls, studio lighting illuminates my surroundings, and best of all, he and I have completely different vanities. Six wide drawers, all my own. Kept clean, magically and always, even though I can still be a little messy with my makeup. Two cabinets, organized in a more efficient way than I was able to imagine when I first saw them, and a full row of shelves separate us. My eyes land on the inspired decorations and I notice how much clarity I have now that I’m no longer covered in dust-bunny tumbleweeds. It feels nice.

I rinse my face with Kiehl’s fresh smelling new top line cleanser, happy to have had my close friend and stylist pick it up for me, and as I do so I realize just how many of the items around me I didn’t actually buy. I feel excited all over again for the opportunity our team brings each other and I pick up the pace as I realize that beloved team will be knocking on the door within the hour. My feet dance and hop, and I stick a spontaneous yoga pose before floating back into my wardrobe, excited to wear the new outfit my friends and I styled together. Classically sexy and the perfect amount of badass, this freestyle, everything-works wardrobe staring back at me makes me realize just how quickly things upgraded in my life and, really, I am enough for this project we’re shooting today.


I slide today’s outfit from its luxurious but practical rose gold hangers and as much as I know I’ll enjoy wearing it, more excitement builds from the sharing library that we’ve created amongst us, and I can’t wait to share this look with my friends. My fingertips clasp the top around my neck and I marvel at how trim my waist looks in this while feeling so comfortable and free. I’ve experienced so much quality and style in recent months, more than I’ve ever thought possible and it’s all felt so right. I tuck in my creamy smooth arms as I give a flirtatious little spin, one that the flowing materials continue even after I’ve stopped moving. My stylist will be here any minute and although I can’t hear them through our thick floors, I know the others are arriving to the creative space downstairs. I imagine my friends making themselves at home in the space, moving and rearranging as they see fit, appreciating that bonding benefit from traveling together that turns friends into family.

A friendly knock, knock behind me interrupts my inner dialogue, and just like that it’s time for hair and makeup.

Maybe something a bit more natural for today 😉

I hope you enjoyed Part I to #myidealday. The stories continues….

About #MyIdealDay

Created by the fantasy girl who started teaching others to build their fantasy life using creative writing, My Ideal Day teaches others to live a limitless life while still growing through the process of shaking down negative belief systems. Shattering the belief that we have to actually believe we are enough before we begin crafting our dream life, the creative diary process works by incorporating familiarity into the healing process. As you heal you will effortlessly ascend into your dream life as it takes very little faith to believe something that you're intimately familiar with. When we live a limitless life we learn to live without boundaries. Live life with unlimited experiences, unlimited freedom, and unlimited generosity.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post! I’m a photographer, model, and content creator and I believe in doing things that scare us to get over fear. Last year I called over 20 countries home for the night and now I’m finding my voice in order to share the many stories I have to tell. I welcome interaction, comments, and feedback and I love finding new accounts to follow!
Thanks for following along on my journey to full self-expression ✌️
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