Why People Procrastinate ?


We all Procrastinate on day to day life and we can't just control it even though we try so hard not to. But have you ever noticed why do we procrastinate? There are thousands reasons but today i'm listing down major ones. Procrastination can be good thing as well as bad depending upon situation and people. Let's have a look at it.

  • The Task seems to have no value
    When it is not clear how the execution of a task can add value to your current aspirations, you are likely to put it off and not likely to get back to it later.

  • You see a task as one big project.
    Honestly, almost everything we do can be broken down into little manageable parts. Take, for instance, the laundry that I mentioned above. If the laundry seems like a daunting task to you, break it down into steps. Collect all your dirty clothes. Separate colors and whites. Put your clothes on a wash cycle. Put them in the dryer. Fold them. Laundry is obviously a basic example, but this can apply to a number of situations. By breaking things down into parts, you’ll find the task much more doable.

  • You're worried about failing
    It can be tempting to procrastinate tasks because of a fear of failing. Of course you cannot fail at something when you don’t do it at all. Unfortunately, this is an unproductive way of thinking. Facing your fear of failure will help you eventually overcome that fear, or learn to manage it. So next time you think about putting something off simply to avoid potential failure, tackle it head on. You’ll grow as a person from the experience.

  • The Fear of Success
    It might seem paradoxical, but people do procrastinate due to fear of big accomplishments. You are fearful of succeeding. And the reason is that you do not know how to act in case of the win or you simply do not want to stand out of the crowd.

  • You're Lazy
    This is the number one reason that most of us procrastinate. We just don’t feel like doing whatever it is we’re putting off. Being lazy doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. It’s totally okay for you to sometimes lounge around and watch TV rather than mow the lawn. Just don’t let that behavior become habitual.

  • The Lack of Motivation
    Getting motivated is hard, especially if you are not able to motivate yourself by your own, and keen on waiting for the inspiration to come from the outside, i.e. your friends, family etc. Consequently, you appear to be locked in such a situation when you feel unmotivated and keep procrastinating.

  • You don't have self-control
    There are definitely varying levels of self-control. Everyone is different. However, there is a point in which your self-control can get in the way of productivity. Procrastinating comes easier to people who naturally do not have the discipline to complete tasks in a timely and organized manner.

Well the list goes on but this are the few major aspects why people procrastinate and this need to be overcome if we have to be more effective.

I hope you liked my post. Please do share your views and Thanks for reading.

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