The Loneliest But Most Worthwhile Journey


The spiritual journey is the loneliest journey you will ever embark upon. Be prepared to lose everyone and everything. There is no taking the blue pill and being inserted back into The Matrix. Believe me: I wanted to go back to being ignorant for years. I wanted to unknow what I knew. I wanted to run away.


I am constantly amazed by how much I have changed. Being in the Chicago area again has been a trip down memory lane. This was my home for sixteen years. I spent my twenties and half of my thirties here. I went to college here. Had my first sexual experience here. Got my first adult job here. Had my first and only serious, long-term relationship here. Started to wake up out of my stupor here.


It was here I asked for more: dear Universe, there must be more to life? I outlined a typical life one day:
•Go to school from the age of 4 or 5 until at least 18, and if you go to college, into your twenties
•Work a job (s) until you are old enough to retire at 65 (and that number keeps going up)
•Sit on your ass until you die (because most people are too tired, sick, and poor to really enjoy being retired anyway)


I left Chicago a few months after I made that list. I had already left my long-term boyfriend the year before. Then I quit my job as a Managing Web Editor, packed up my apartment in Lincoln Park, and me and my cat, Mickey, got the hell out. I took the red pill.


After having been in Tennessee for seven plus years, it is so surreal being back here. I have lived and died many times since I left. It is so bizarre to be surrounded by so many unaware people again, living lives of quiet desperation and complaining about Trump like he has any real power.

I went to a shop yesterday evening where they were having an event for an artist. It was rainy, so I got a little wet walking there. But I love walking, and it was a warm rain shower. Anyway, all I needed was a few minutes walking around that shop to become disheartened. Over $6000 for a piece of art?!? Are you kidding me?!? I am glad I saw the double rainbow, the rain speckled mural, the red-tinged twilight and the reflections in the puddles on my way back to my sister’s condo. It made me completely forget that shop and that overpriced art.


Why would you want your art to only be available to a select few people? Not many people can afford to spend any money on a piece of art, much less thousands. Art should be for everyone to enjoy.


I guess you could say I am an art for the masses type of person. I don’t want my audience to be only people who have a lot of money. I want my art to reach everyone it can possibly “speak to” and inspire. Because that is what I want to do with my art: inspire people, uplift people, get people in touch with their souls, their divinity, their beauty.


Every breath I take is sacred
Every moment is blessed
The most wonderful thing in the world
Is beating inside my chest
My heart gives me life
And fills me with Love
It is a gift from the Creator
And is the source of everything pure and good
I allow my heart to be my compass
To guide my thoughts, words, and deeds
Because I know Love is the most powerful force in the world
And the one from which all of Creation was conceived
My heart is the gateway
To heaven on earth
And by using it as my guide
To pure creations I give birth
Love is my intent
For everyone and everything
Life is a magnificent
And magical waking dream

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