
Wherever you are, you will never forget your roots


This is my very first post in English. I know, writing in a different language than yours is very difficult because you need to find out how to express your feelings with other words than usual. My today´s topic is about your roots. I am from Venezuela. Is a very small country in comparison to the US, Brasil or Argentina in the norther part of South America. Due to political and economic reasons I am living in Panamá but living here during almost year and a half give me the time to find out new flavors to taste, new people to meet, new places to visit, new books to read and new music to listen to. However, as you are in the need to look for new things to do, you will always want to go back to your roots and taste something that remembers you your country and your people.

Being alone in a different country give you the tools to overcome everything. Nevertheless, our need to be or to know something different as you are used to also is the same need that tell you that we need something familiar in our life. For example, going to your parent’s house on Sundays, drink a hot chocolate during a rainy day, eat your mom´s food or talk to your friends in that special place. I know, I am not talking about nationalism, I am talking about remembering who you are and from where you are. Talking about nationalism is just a part of you but when we talk about your roots we are talking about your culture, your friends and every single moment of joy when you were a kid. Being a foreign person is difficult but also give you the possibility to share your roots with different people. Sharing your national drinks, national food and also the way you celebrate your national days. Be proud from where you are and remember it does not matter from where you are, you will never forget your roots.

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