Making your business work more effectively,

Through thinking smarter, listening more, learning and taking notes of what’s happening all around you.

Consider the outposts of your brand:

You may have gained a few loyal customers or followers through supplying what people want, desire and crave, but I’m sure you want your business to grow even more. What of the people way-out there that hasn’t been `caught-in-the-net’? How do you gather them in? 

Been more observant:

It doesn’t mean we are just looking carefully at what’s happening. It’s also assessing what’s happening and re-acting within the situation(s). 

  • What is the key issue or cause? How big is the issue? What brought it to the front?
  • Who’s running the show? And how are they doing it? Can you learn something from them? Even add something better to their concept! 
  • Is it trending? Why is it trending? What’s behind it, driving the situation? 
  • How are people benefiting from it? If they are not benefiting from it, it’ll soon fizzle out. · What is the common factor, between what you do and they do? What can you convert it and turn it to your advantage? 
  • Where is the profit in it? Perhaps the composition or design is wrong? How can you improve on it? 

Okay, so you want to do your-thing:

Whatever is your conclusion, cut through the ‘clutter’! 

  • You may steal an idea or two, but you don’t want to jump on someone else’s wagon. Because you don’t want to be a copycat and a small-fry lost in a huge crowd. You need to make your-thing unique and fantastic, to make it trend.
  • Think deeply. What is your motive? What do you really want to do? Where will you stand in the scheme of things? And if you understand your desire and enthusiasm, you’ll be able to project your ‘product’ more effectively. 
  • What is your style? What will your `project’ look like and sound like? Is it upbeat and fun to do, see, read about and use?  People want more out of life!
  • Also consider your role. Is your lifestyle something that other people would like and give them hope that they too could have a life like that too? 

Now… that you have put it out there:

Why waste time and money on something if it isn’t working. We can’t afford to `sit-on-our-laurels’ hoping all is well.  

We must continue to be aware of how people are participating. How are they responding to your `product’? Is it still working and trending? Are we really listening to the remarks and comments? Are the comments helpful? 

  1. If there’re complaints, ask yourself how can you improve on your product? Do you have to adjust things to make them more acceptable? And what do you have to eliminate altogether? 
  2. And if there are good reports, use them as a testimony that your product is worthwhile buying. Thankfully, we need `crowing roosters’ that promote us! 
  3. Remember no business should stagnate. When you think you have it all set up nicely. Watch out, are you stuck in a deep rut, limiting or blocking your own advancement?  
  4. Always be well ahead of your opposition. So what can you add, that’s freshly new and dynamic? Where will it take you? And that question starts and another `ball-rolling’!!

PS: I don’t know about you, but I love assessing situations. It gives me a thrill to search out new theories and then test them out for myself. I find the whole process very exciting.

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