How Tabletop Gaming Helps YOU to Be True to You

The Universe Isn't Perfect...

then again... neither am I.

Life is tough, we all know this and yet how many get upset because we aren't quote perfect? It is a hard lesson to learn... accepting flaws.

One of the easiest ways to get into another persons mind is to walk in their shoes. That is one of the greatest things that gaming helps a person to do.

First, you need to pick a character...

Character creation is the avt of designing your in-game persona. This is who you will be for however long your game goes on. Personally, the games I can play go on for months at a time. This allows for ample opportunity to be this character, to get to know their motivations and to have an idea how they would act or be in a situation. I am not lawful anything in my real life, but I have played a Paladin enough that I have had to think from that sort of perspective.

A character perspective isn't real, but a lot of time is put into it. When this happens, you are forced to make decisions in a way that reflects who you are playing. This is an experience that not everyone gets. Imagining how to get what you want with the confibes others placed upon you requires that forced perspective which enables you to then use the skill in real life.

Plotting the Life of Another


The art of table top (TT) gaming can be intense. Figuring your own character out and their place in the world can be tough. When you have to inagine their world's reverberations beyond toyr desires, working their will into the concept created not only in your mind but that of your friends and what they plan for with their own characters... you start to get a better idea of how we are all interconnected. You see who your true friends are and can strategize together.



In a way, stepping into the shoes of another... in this case, of your character, you sort of force your brain to see things differently. The world is always filled with dark corners and larger than life monsters, it is just that with TT gaming that you get the cgance to face these demons head on... without the real life psychological trauma of doing so.


Obviously, before D&D was a thing, Michaelangelo knew this.

Wouldn't you rather handle this in fantasy vs reality?

When we are in a position to work together, have the time to examine our true motivations then we find out more about ourselves.

KNOWING is Half the Battle!


The otger half is applying that knowlege and applying ro your life. The storytellung and interactive qualities of roleplaying provides a natural, interesting and confortable environment to do just that. People may think that gaming is all good fun or spastic nerdery depending on their perspective. But it is more than that. Gaming is a truly immersive experience that allows you to within yourself without shutting the world out. Gaming has been proven to increase social skills and increase personal awareness. These are both imperatives for improving the self.

With Your Powers Combined...


Captain Planet may be a lofty goal, but you will at least get the opportunity to see the powers of the world set forth in a handy chart of the character sheet.

If you don't believe that these d statistics corrolate to the real woeld... stay tuned. I've got a whole article on those numbers coming up this week!

So, What Have We Learned?

Gamining gets tou out of tour own head and into a whole fantasy world. It is ideal for kids and afults abd can help you focus on asoects of your own character that you want to imorove.

You can choose who you want to be and create the character that youvwant to be. It is an organized way to develop yourself and not only improve yourself, but enrich your life. Afterall, your life is your story... it just depends on how you choose to live it.

Hopefully, you choose wisely!


Art from Google 'Labeled for Reuse or My Own Creation.

Thanks for reading. If you liked that read, you can get more wisdom from me here:

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