Successful people tackle their goals and dreams with a growth mindset.

Zig ziglar once said that, "the league of legends began with making the first step. All great achievers had a beginning and they grew through the process by practicing daily and getting better.

Failure is not a final event, failure is a feedback. Failure points to you the areas where you need to improve. I stead of avoiding failure, you should embrace it and make it your best friend.

There is no one great achiever who was not a hard worker. Thomas edison was a hard worker too, one video which narrates his story remarked that he worked hard and he had a passion for inventions.

Thomas edison attempted 1,000 times before he was able to invent the light bulb. When he was asked by a reporter how it felt to fail 1,000 times, his shocking reply was, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.

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