Never Settle! Manifest Challenge # 21

Just think-what if the egg had settled for the second best sperm?


I'm guilty. I admit it.

I'm guilty of settling for "good enough." I get lazy sometimes, or fall into a routine and just settle. I know the situation or relationship is not ideal, and I realize I am not perfectly happy. But, I'm guilty of settling.

Sometimes fear of the unknown was the culprit, but usually it was sheer laziness. Settling has done me more damage than good.

I look back and wonder about the uncertain uncertainties I exchanged for the definite meh.

When I realized this, I decided I cannot do this anymore! I deserve the best!

This is the only life I know I'm gonna have. Why on earth would I want to settle for second best or good enough?

We settle for mediocrity in many areas of our lives on a daily basis. We keep going to jobs we abhor to deal with bosses we cant't stand, we let our other halves get away with crap we know we don't deserve, and we keep enabling friends and acquaintances to disappoint us.

Why do we choose to let this slide, day after day, when we know there is better out there for us?

We have a habit of comparing outcomes from different courses of action, and basically treating our lives as a cost vs benefit analysis. It's behind almost all decisions we will ever make. Far too often we decide that we shouldn't move toward uncertain and possibly better opportunities because the benefits don't outweigh the costs.

But this is deceiving! How can we know the benefits unless we move!

We are frightened of change. But we cannot let fear control our lives. If we do, we are just drifting along the waves, letting them take us to Maine when we really want to go to the Carribbean.

But hey, at least we're moving, right?

NO! When you settle, you are not moving! You are allowing yourself to be pushed.

Don't let them push you around! Be in control of your life! # neversettle!

Don't downgrade your dreams to match your reality. Upgrade your belief to match your vision.

Never settle for second best. It's the same as settling for First Worst.

You deserve the best. You were the chosen sperm after all ;)

Images via Pixabay and Creative Commons

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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