Common Dream Symbols: Naked, Exam, Driving, [Part 4]

This is part 4 in a series of dream symbols I am adding to the steemit blogs. As a disclaimer, and for those who are interested, I have learned dream analysis through the life-changing, online courses offered by Michael Sheridan and will be sharing universal symbols from his method of dream interpretation. Please feel free to share your dreams in the comments section if you've seen these symbols in your own dreams.



"Being naked in a dream is a very good symbol and shows that you are being asked to be yourself when it comes to the subject matter of the dream - literally show your true self rather than to dress things up. The disturbing feeling usually associated with this type of dream, indicates the level of discomfort you would have in being yourself in the given situation. If you are currently undergoing therapy in reality, this dream shows it is working well and restoring your sense of identity" - Michael Sheridan


Taking an Exam

"Sitting an exam indicates you are ready to move from one state of consciousness to another. Usually you find that you have not studied or the exam is on a subject you are not prepared for in these dreams. Authorities, however, do not allow you to sit an exam unless you have put in the required classes, so despite your feelings or fears – you are ready for this transition." - Michael Sheridan



"Driving along a road is about striving towards your ideals or goals as we use cars to take us from where we are to where we need to be. The dream can indicate movement forward mentally or spiritually.

If a police officer is charging you with drunk driving it means you are being told drinking alcohol is affecting the pursuit of your goals. Similarly, a parking ticket is telling you that now is the time for action – set goals and pursue them.

To receive penalty points for speeding or other driving violation signifies that something you are doing is incurring karma. In the pursuit of your goals, are you pushing your responsibilities onto someone else or blocking them from pursuing their goals?

Driving towards a crossroads indicates difficulties ahead and the need to take care.

Driving alongside a river indicates your spiritual path, as water here represents your spiritual side. It is common in these dreams for the river to have flooded the road at some point. It is usually not dangerous in the dream. This is a request to let your spiritual development become part of your quest, or more precisely to use your spirituality in the pursuit of your goals.

Driving with family means you are carrying family influences which could be blocking you in the pursuit of your goals. For example, are you in the back seat or not in the driver’s seat? Not being in the driving seat symbolizes not being in charge of the direction of your own life. In this case the family member in the car, is there to represent the issue or trait that is holding you back. Although very unusual it is not always a negative influence. For example, if you dream of driving with a sibling who broke free from something that has affected both of you, the dream can be showing you that you too have to do what they did. Driving with someone can indicate you are carrying the influence of that person or a parent of the same gender.

To dream of driving over the line at a traffic signal or stop sign, when your intention in the dream was to stop, is a pun on overstepping your bounds in waking life. Whatever it is you have been doing recently, take a step back. It’s not good.

Driving on a highway or motorway is about your heart and circulatory system, as these are main arterial roads. The artery network of the body is part of the circulatory system." - Michael Sheridan

I hope you've enjoyed these symbols. Stay tuned for Part 5 ....

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