Why I read


In my childhood, I had a love affair with books, always a voracious reader; I was given only books and book store gift certificates as presents. I would spend hours in the bookstore trying to find the right books, careful not to squander my money on something boring. Then, as an adult, I realized that I no longer had the time to curl up for hours with a book. I had to manage my time for my business, cooking for people, delivering the meals and etc. Now, I realize that when I allow myself time to read, I am different. There were times I felt I couldn’t read. My brain couldn’t settle enough. There was too much going on. But that is exactly what made me realize that I need to read.

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Because reading
Satisfies my need for learning
Bring me new experiences
Provides escape from everyday stresses
Allows my brain to rest
Delivers sense of calm
Gives me a peace I can’t find elsewhere




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