Benefits of Solitude

Found a wonderful article on Pinterest written by My Lyfe Officially and modified the 5 benefits Cassan stated to relate them to me. I’ve been noticing lately, that if I don’t get alone time, I get really grouchy and am difficult to live with. This is a good reminder that alone time is important and beneficial. Thanks for a great article, Cassan!

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Benefits of solitude

  1. Self Reflection
    Quiet helps me think about what’s going on and allows me to acknowledge my feelings.

  2. Replenish the mind
    Quiet space. No distractions. It gives my brain time to process.

  3. Personal Development
    Having time to think about where I’m going and what I want.

  4. Increase Productivity
    No distractions so I can get stuff done.

  5. Enjoy being alone
    I need the time to recharge.




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