Regarding Brexit: a British Anarchist's Perspective

Hello steemians.

As I work my way through unfollowing all the profiles which I shouldn't have followed, I keep seeing posts about Brexit, (or Brexshit as we call it here in the United Kingdom of America). I figured it might be helpful to share my personal perspective on it with you all.

In a nutshell, I think it's carefully contrived nonsense. The referendumB and subsequent 'debates' have been complete and utter bollocks. A black and white choice on a rainbow of options. The only practical reason I can see for all this unnecessary chaos is to distract, divide and disempower everybody. The predictions I made at the time of the 'never-end-dumb' all seem to be coming true, namely that leaving the EU was never really an option and we will be punished with increasingly harsh austerity until we vote 'correctly' (to remain) next time.

If you're interested, you can read my predictions (and find out more about why I chose not to participate) in these few articles I've written about it all, here:

While You Were Hypnotised by the EU ReferendumB…

Despite Triggering Article 50, UK Still Unlikely to Leave EU

and most recently, here.
Trump and Brexit Are Distractions, What Are They Distracting Us From?

The last thing about Brexit which really winds me up is the illusion corporate media have presented; that the country was divided two ways, 48% and 52%. This IS how the vote was divided but 28% didn't participate, so there's actually a three way split.


This becomes infinitely more complex when you realise that everybody voted (or didn't) for very different reasons. As just one example, many people voted to leave because they are racists, but many also voted to leave because they are antiracists, who recognise the EU as being an inherently racist institution.

It's a truly woeful state of affairs here at the moment.
Can't wait for everybody to reclaim their minds.

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