The Change


We hate CHANGE don’t we! It might sound,oh forget it,it is in fact cliched,
but,yes, there is a but, the change is the only constant we got! I might not accept it
but I believe in it. We get reluctant, resist change and make pathetic excuses to ignore it,
pass it, but it gets us sometimes voluntarily and sometimes just kicks us in the ass,
unnoticed , uninvited, unintended! Before writing this I was just lazying around and
sipping tea,when this deep thought struck my mind.On this note,I would like to officially
dedicate this piece of writing to all of us who fear change.We all do.There is nothing
to worry about.I do it all the time and even question sometimes if I am a coward.
But if you listen to people, about their insecurities and about the different situations they are in, it resonates within. It feels generic. It rings a bell in the head and says hey,hey, isn’t it bound to happen.Always.With every living and dead.

I wonder how tragic “change” can be and how beautiful it can be at the same time.

I always fear losing my loved ones.Losing my family, friends,my job.Losing my
identity.Losing myself.Losing my mind.Losing everything I have ,in the process.
Honestly I freak out! We hear people saying “I have nothing to loose.I already have
lost everything!” That’s not true.Its basically the grief talking.You still need to breathe,
need to move.Need to live ,need to change, whether or not it makes sense.Time doesn't
stop,even if you die.If that doesn't impact you it will impact somebody else.Somebody
else’s life changes because of you.

We all get up in the morning and fear what is going to come next.What if important
meeting in the office doesn't end up well?What if I screw up my day?What if I am fired?
What if I get dumped today?What if I change my apartment ,move out of the city and that
doesn’t turn up well?What if my marriage doesn't go smooth?What if I wake up one day
and have no purpose.Nobody can be positive all the day.Life is not ideal.Negativity does
come around from every corner now and then.We all have MONDAY BLUES , we all get
cold feet before joining a new company,new school,college,before marriage,
before a child birth,before a surgery,before committing to a person,to a project.
Life is all about these before-s and after-s,it as all about these What-ifs and what-not-s.
And I guess we need to accept this hard fact that it wont always go our way.

But there is another dimension to it.Change is wonderful.Look around.
It makes a bud to a flower,caterpillar to a butterfly,lyrics to a song,
fetus to a baby,carbon to a diamond,day to night,night to day,winter to summer,summer
to winter,sad to happy,’I’ to ‘We’.

Sometimes change is worth the shot, and the other times I will say LIFE HAPPENS.

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