
The traditional way to meditate is to sit with legs crossed and open hands, the forefingers touching the thumbs on the knees. The idea is to keep the back as straight as possible. While I go into this pose now and then to meditate it is not the only way I use. Engaging in different poses is completely acceptable forms of meditation. The underlying message is that it has to do with the intent, the quiet still mind and the breathing. Clearing the mind of thoughts is a challenge for anyone. I for one need to work constantly through the thoughts that come and go in my mind. Now after a number of years I accept that my thinking happens and eventually I find it stops and all is quiet.

I consider that whatever works for you do it! For me it is about finding a quiet room, making myself comfortable and concentrating on slow deep breathing. Sometime I chant a Sanskrit Mantra and this is a good way for me to slip into a meditate state. An example of a Sanskrit Mantra is Om Shanti Om - the translation is I radiate peace. I like to listen to Deepak Chopra, I find his technique works for me.

But, I don't just sit or ly quietly I also find that I go into a meditative state when I walk along the beach in quiet reflection.

Focussing on a candle is another method of meditation and I know that some people do this.

Guided meditation is a regular used practise that people like. It is not a favourite of mine. It is totally up to the individual person. The trick is to meditate, be reflective and still the mind as often as possible to reap the benefits of peace, connecting with your soul and higher self. Best of all meditation is to be enjoyed.


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