I'm doing something new this 2018!


Now that 2018 is officially here, I am really happy and excited as to what this new year will bring! It used to be whenever another year comes along in my life, I don't really get all excited about it and just being meh. I used to have a carefree attitude and just living my life day to day, hell my whole life I have never made or believe in new year's resolutions! I always think it's a waste of time doing that.

But this year, I'm gonna do something different and new in my life! I'm gonna start 2018 by following and doing a long-held tradition of our society, making a new year's resolution! I'm gonna be making a list of it and share it with you guys, my Steemit family. Hopefully, by the end of 2018, I've had accomplished or changed my life based on it. So without further ado, here is a list of my New Year's resolution:

1. Develop myself into a better person

Over the years I have noticed myself getting more and more impatient, especially at work and I'm always anxious. I don't know if it's caused by stress or something else but what I do know is that it affects my relationship with the people around me. I also tend to procrastinate at times especially after having a hard day at work and I would think to myself that I deserve a 'reward' and give myself an excuse to slack off and not make any blog or engage with the community here.

All this has to change and I wish that with being more mindful of my negative attitudes and developing a deliberate action to get rid of and change them, I get to become a better version of myself.

2. Spend more time with my family

I've also noticed that as I am spending more and more time here on Steemit, I've come to neglect doing one of the most important activities in life: spending time with my family.

A lot of times my family would invite me to have dinner with them or go to the mall and I would decline because I still have a blog to do or I'm busy reading articles about cryptocurrencies.


I've come to realize that what I really need is better time management and if I'm really pressed for time and I need to choose between spending time with my family or making a blog, the latter can always take a backseat. Family is everything and there's no guarantee how long we can all be together so I must make the most of my time spending it with them whenever I can.

3. Manage my time better on Steemit

Speaking of time management, I admit I'm quite bad at managing my time. Instead of using it to engage with the people here, there are times where I just waste my time watching Youtube videos about nonsense stuff. Or when I'm finished making a blog, I spend so much time wastefully trying to edit and change the words again and again in order to have a 'good' blog even though it's not really necessary.

So starting today, I'm gonna be making a conscious effort to keep track of how I spend my time here and use it efficiently.

4. Have my own business someday

Currently, I'm helping out my family with our family business. But I've come to realize that this is not what I really want to be doing and I will not be taking over the reins of the business if ever my parents decide to retire (but my brother is)

Right now, I'm still looking to have my own business but what I've noticed about myself is that I'm drawn more into technologies and the online world. Actually, a few months back before I got into Steemit, I and my friend talked about doing a tech startup together but we scrapped it due to personal reasons.

Who knows maybe someday I will have a business here online leveraging the blockchain technology or possibly have multiple streams of income from it. If any of you have any startup ideas here, feel free to hit me up a chat! Maybe we can start a partnership or something.

Anyways, that's about it for my new year's resolution! I'm happy to have shared it with you guys! Before I let you go, I would like to leave you with a few questions:

Do you have any new year's resolution for 2018? If so, do you mind sharing it in the comments section below because I would love to hear from you!

I wish you all a happy new year! And if you find this piece useful, don't forget to upvote and resteem.

Follow me @andywong31

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