Written Goal Setting and Planning is Simple but Powerful

Every serious matter or business need to be a goal or purpose in mind, this is why it is so important. Many of us did'nt even realize how busy we are in our daily live often we forget to do what we think it's simple and not too important.

Take it simple, if you want to go to a place you need to decide your destination first. For example you are in Jakarta, Gading, Boulevard to be exact and then you decide want to go to Bali for a vacation.


What comes in your mind then? first maybe you may want to check your available money, do you have some money left to spend, then if you have you need to decide the date which date is a perfect date considering the weather, events, etc in Bali, then you think of about the hotel, friends to go along with, think about everything etc. This is planning. This is forecasting.

Same thing goes just like business in a company, they need a yearly plan then divide it into quarterly, each quarter contains daily action to achieve goals and long term goals at the end of the year. They need to discuss this plan to achieve best result and forecast any risk that may come in the future. In the end it's all about comitment and consistency doing the daily action to achieve the management goals.

Very simple but often to to be forgotten.

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