
Back in the day when I was full-blown hippie, I used to make all kinds of hippie gear like moccasins and wristbands and such...I remember going to a barber near the end of those years on Spadina in Toronto and the look on his face when I walked in was totally priceless as my hair was down to my ass...Funny that I've been letting it grow again lately.

I've also said quite often that gnostics are the hippies of Christendom and we are...what's that? F.E.A.R.L.E.S.S...Although we are never amused when religious psychopaths continually murder us and then want to wipe our beliefs off the face of the earth to protect the neurosis of an ass-hole God:P Oh, well...we usually die laughing in hysterics at the sheer idiocy of our adversaries...

But that aside, the Carona (demiurge) virus and the entirely mismanaged response to it by the usual suspects (except for Sweden who has good nation-state parenting) has left me with some thumb-twiddling itches...Now don't be too harsh on me as this is the first one in a long time. I'll try to make a dozen a week and sell them and give some away. This one has a compass and thermometer attached to it. The bolt has the added utility of it being a self-defense item, too.

Okay, so I'm not a master knot weaver yet, I get it:P

What are you doing to prevent mass Carona delusion syndrome?


Here is a list of things Christian Gnostics have no interest in:

-we don't want to extract rents from anyone as we believe everyone should be granted a piece of land by birth.

-we don't want to extract the value of your hard work or surplus labor.

-we don't want to loan money at interest. Or, we only want to do so to the most minimal degree possible.

-we don't want to turn your women over to pornographers. We think they are better humans if they don't go that route.

-we don't want to program your mind with sexual violence and every imaginable crime.

-we don't want to numb you into submission by supplying you endless amounts of narcotics and alcohol.

-we don't want you to earn a living via every imaginable grift, pyramid, and ponzi scheme.

Oh, yes...but, I have a personal saying, "perhaps one should quit while they're behind." Eh?


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