Living On Autopilot. Going On Autopilot.


Most of us are conscious about our everyday lives. The way we dress, walk, talk. We reason, criticise, approve. We fool ourselves by thinking we have everything under control. That our conscious mind is in control.


Not very often do we think about the subconscious mind. I like to call it "autopilot". Everybody takes it for granted, but for example, the heart pumping and supplying our brain with oxygen can't really be overvalued. Or our broken bones that heal without us consciously telling them to heal. We don't control it. But we do depend on it.


People love control. The more control the better. Going on autopilot seems like a terrible thing to do. But when we look past the fear of letting go, trusting the subconscious is the fastest way to success. There's no computer powerful enough to compete with the subconscious mind. There's nothing with more resources. There have been many cases, where after plainly stating to the subconscious mind certain things to be accomplished, forces were set in motion and result came faster than ever dreamed.


The subconscious mind works for the conscious mind. Subconscious does not reason- every piece of information it gets is considered the utter truth. And there's no resting in the manifestation of that truth.

"Ease and perfection depend entirely upon the degree in which we cease to depend upon the consciousness; playing the piano, skating, operating the typewriter, the skilled trades, depend for their perfect execution on the process of the subconscious mind."- Charles Haanel.

Life is a game. And there are ways to play the game with ease or with tears.

Autopilot is something we can't switch off. It's rooted in us, it’s a part of the mind. We think our conscious mind to be in charge, but it sleeps on average of 6-9 hours per day. Without keeping a watchful eye on the autopilot, the subconscious mind will make or break our life. Having a belief that you will never get out of poverty (subconscious) and playing the lottery (conscious) ends with poverty.


To gain control we need to let go.

Quiet the Mind. Sort the mess through one belief at the time. Look inside of yourself. It's hard when we haven't done that before. It has to be hard. It's built like that. Let's let the control nerd full out on our thoughts. Once we are conscious of our thoughts and beliefs, then autopilot becomes the most trustworthy servant we will ever have. And there is little that it cannot achieve.


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