Santa Claus Really Exists

They say Santa Claus is a fictional character that brings gifts to good kids.

On 31. December at about 08:00 pm my doorbell rang. Curiously, while opening the door, I was expecting that it would be the guests. Surprisingly, I had what to see: in front of me there was a man with a beard and his red coat but with no sleigh which reindeers are supposed to pull, with a tray full of gifts that of course are only for good kids and he started talking to me personally with many witnesses. I didn't get to say a single word when I heard their laughter. There weren't just gifts but Mrs Claus as well, who was probably the substitute for the sleigh and the reindeers, which is more interesting than the gift itself, but who would find fault with Santa Claus and his way of doing his job: I thought to myself how we are in the 21st century. That's when I heard a strong voice: "HO HO HO, I'm looking for Ana"
"It's me"-I barely answered.

At that moment my neighbour heard her own doorbell, runs out of her apartment and grabs her present as fast she could with not much thinking!
The next thing you know she starts chating with them as if she has known them for a 100 years.

When I heard: "Jovan this,...Jovan that..." I could finally see.
I can see at last! :D

Joca the Santa Claus and Bilja the Mrs Claus, presidents of the house council of our building, have gone through all the apartments in the building and shared gifts and wished much luck, health, success but laughter as well in this New Year.

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The photography that's taken testifies about the truth that Santa exists if there is will and people like our presidents of the house council.

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The gift: An umbrella with imprinted logo "My building 68b" and with panorama of Belgrade (nice and usefull).

Kažu da je Deda Mraz izmišljen lik koji donosi dobroj deci poklone.

Na dan 31. decembra oko 20:00h u mom stanu se začulo zvono. Radoznalo sam otvorila vrata sa očekivanjem da ću zateći goste na vratima. Na moje veliko iznenađenje imala sam šta da vidim: preda mnom je stajao glavom i bradom, a još u crvenom kaputu ali bez sanki koje vuku irvasi, sa tacnom poklona koja su namenjena naravno samo za dobru decu i obratio se lično meni, uz poprilično svedoka. Nisam stigla ni jednu reč da progovorim kada začuh njihov smeh.
Nije bio samo poklon u pitanju već tu je bila i baba Mrazica ili ti već kako da je nazovem, koja je verovatno bila zamena za sanke i irvase, što me je više zanimalo nego poklon, ali ko će da zameri Deda Mrazu na njegovom načinu rada: pomislih ipak smo mi u 21. veku. U to začuh gromak glas: "HO HO HO, traži se Ana!"
U čudu jedva izgovorih:"Ja sam"
Tog momenta komšinica preko puta isto začu zvono i brže bolje dočepa se poklona bez premisljanja i još uz to počne da čavrlja kao da se poznaju, pa najmanje 100 godina.
Ali kada čuh:"Jovane ovo,...Jovane ono...", ma kao da su mi ljuske sa očiju pale najzad progledah.

Joca Mraz i Bilja Mrazica, inače naši predsednici kućnog saveta, su nekoliko sati pred dolazak Nove Godine, obišli sve stanove i podelili puno sreće, zdravlja, uspeha ali i osmeha u Novoj Godini.

Fotografija načinjena ovom prilikom svedoči večno o istini da Deda Mraz zaista postoji ukoliko postoji volja ili ljudi poput naših predsednika kućnog saveta.

Poklon: Kišobran sa štampanim logom "Moja zgrada 68b" i panoramom Beograda (lepo i korisno).

With my daughter @stella98

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