A Look Around Wal-Mart! Got Toilet Paper?

We went to Wal-mart today! This is not a fun thing to do but we decided we had to go and get a few things and had to run to get some other stuff too, while we were in town. It is about a 40 mile trip for us so we try and cover all bases when we go.

I did a little walk around and took some pictures and even a few small video shots. I posted this on YouTube and I will share it with you. I will also put some in some pictures.

As you can see it is pretty bare in the toilet paper and even the paper towel department.

Even the cleaning supplies were all but bare. If it had Clorox in it or was a disinfectant wipe it was gone, Sorry I did not get a picture there but believe me those products were gone.

They had even gone over to the RV supplies and bought most of that too. That toilet paper is not cheap for a 4 roll pack either. I think there was about 4 or 5 packages left on the bottom shelf.


The bread was gone and pretty much all the milk and eggs were all but gone also.



I mean this is crazy, am I right here! I went to see if all the water was gone and this is what that area looked like.


I mean even the canned goods were hit pretty hard and the soups were too. The Raman noodle is totally bare, except for a few little packages of Cup Of Soup!




Even the sugar was stripped pretty bare. I cannot believe people are this worried about this. It is just plain nuts. This is a Wal-mart that is in a town of about 9000 people and may small towns in the area come here to shop. I have friends that are about 30 miles north of this store tell me the Wal-mart near them is just as empty. It is a huge store double the size of this one and even the stores in Columbus and Macon Ga were hit hard. They cannot get trucks fast enough to keep up with people buying stuff. In the store, we were in a woman who went to a pallet and pulled a whole case of Angel Soft toilet paper off of it and was off to the front to buy it. Some for things like can goods and soups. Even the smaller stores like Dollar General and the small grocery stores are out of all the same stuff.

This thing with the Coronavirus has just got out of hand, people are just going mad in the U.S right now. It happens the same way here if a little snow gets predicted or a hurricane is in the forecast. We are all good here in our little part of the woods. I hope everyone has a great night/day, whatever it is in your neck of the woods. Always Forward!

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